Welcome to DePayne Dachshunds! If you love a big heart in a small package you will find it in a Dachshund. They are smart and personable and are pretty energetic little dogs. They were bred for hunting, but also make wonderful pets and companions.
The name DePayne actually got it's start with my now 10 year old Doberman. I bought her when she was 3 months old and she had been born and raised in a barn stall. As a result, housebreaking took a little work and she was also at the age when she was shedding baby teeth for adult teeth. Between housebreaking and chewing on things she shouldn't have, the phrase "Jasmine, you're being a pain!" came up a lot! I jokingly told her that 'Jasmine The Pain' was going to be her registered name. Well...the joke turned into reality and she was registered as Jasmine DePayne.
The name that began as a joke turned into one I liked because it was fitting for every dog I've ever housebroken. Puppies have accidents and they do like to chew, but all their other lovable and laughable traits make up for the headaches included with puppyhood.
Dachshunds are the most entertaining dogs I've ever had the priviledge to share my life with. When age and health issues made the decision for me to give up the Dobermans I had owned for 35 years, and bred for 12 years for a smaller breed, I've never once regretted my choice of Dachshunds. Jasmine agrees. She loves them as much as I do :) Regretfully, Jasmine passed away when the vet was unable to bring her out from under anesthetic after a benign tumor removal in January of 2012. We still miss her very much.
I hope you enjoy your visit to my site and will find the same qualities to love in these little dogs that I have and just maybe you'll find the one here that you've been looking for.
All text and images on this site are the property of DePayne Enterprises LLC and may not be copied or used in any way without the written permission of the owner.